This page displays the pairings and league table matches in the Hacienda Riquelme Golf Society 'Winter Matchplay League' 2020-2021 competition. It is the responsibility of all players to arrange their own matches at time that are convenient for all players, however, no matches can start before 1st September 2020 & all games MUST be completed by 28th February 2021.
It is the responsibility of individual players to schedule their matches but if it is proving impossible to schedule then any player may request an APPROVED RESERVE to take their place (selecting the nearest handicap match from the reserves list below). No specific reserve may substitute for more than one game for any individual player. If any player utilises more than 1 reserve over their 3 games they will not be eligible to progress into the semi-finals and the player below them will take their place.
Current Approved Reserves are: TBD.
The document can also be viewed by clicking on the icon to the right of this note to open the PDF document in a separate window.