As many golfers will know, it is a prerequisite to have a valid Handicap Certificate in order to play golf in Spain.
Most golfers will have obtained their certificate from their golf club. In addition to having a valid handicap certificate, it is also a requirement in Spain to have valid insurance. Normally, golf courses will levy a surcharge per player per round to meet this requirement. The surcharge temporarily affiliates the player to the Royal Golf Federation of Spain, RFEG.
For golfers without a valid handicap certificate, local golfers can obtain a valid licence (with or without a handicap certificate) and obtain insurance cover by joining the Spanish Golf Federation.
Each golf course offers everyone the chance to apply for a RFEG licence and the licence automatically covers the individual golfer for any accident that he/she suffers or might cause whilst playing golf at a federated golf club. This iinsurance covers against all Spanish legislation. Your own personal insurance policy will not be sufficient.
Registration is valid for one calendar year from 1 January to 31 December and the cost is ~76€.
Golfers, who register with the Spanish Golf Federation, are also entitled to enter a number of Open Golf Competitions, Events and Tournaments.
To apply for your licence - contact the Pro Shop. You can check your membership and current handicap on line here.